Playing our part in reversing climate change and resource consumption, protecting the environment for future generations to come.
As a socially responsible and ethical partnership, we provide roadmaps for our clients to decarbonise the built environment, representing 40% of all global emissions.
Our Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan (SSAP) aligns with 12 UN-Sustainable Development Goals and we became carbon neutral in September 2020. Our whole-life approach is based around the circular economy of the built environment, with each service headed by a Centre of Excellence covering R&D, training and best practice. Involvement in all aspects of the building lifecycle positively influences the sustainability of our clients’ assets for the long term.

We are committed to making a positive social and environmental impact by being:
- Signatories of the World Green Building Council Net Zero Carbon commitment
- Involved in the UN Global Compact UK-SDG Advocacy Working Group
- Members of the UK Green Building Council
- Board members of the Camden Climate Change Alliance achieving ‘Team Green’ and ‘Carbon Champion’ Marks of Achievement.
- Signatories to both the UK BSE Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency and RetroFirst
- Partners of Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust's Rewild Carbon programme
Through these activities, we are setting new priorities and developing better ways of working, improving the sharing of information and best practice, all with the aim of achieving net zero carbon by 2030 in support of the Government’s 2050 net zero target.
Our adoption of the 1.5 deg C science-based targets have led us to become a forerunner in the ‘Race to Zero’ with real action across our operations and supply chain. We are registered members through the Business Ambition for 1.5C initiative, joining a broad coalition of businesses and organisations to address the climate emergency.
As contributors to the Climate Emergency Design Guide produced by the London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI), we contributed to setting guidelines for the industry on whole-life net zero carbon and bringing this knowledge, experience and thinking to our clients’ journey to net zero.
Our award-winning, exemplar apprenticeship programme grows and develops future leaders whilst addressing social inequalities within a sustainable long-term business model.
As part of our social responsibility drive, we work with local communities assisting with projects and initiatives in schools and supporting various charities and sporting projects. This is why we’re IiP Health & Wellbeing accredited, winners of the IiP Excellence in Social Responsibility Award and hold the IiP Long Service award, one of only a handful in the UK.