Contributing to Industry
The London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI) is a voluntary network of over 1000 built environment professionals that are working together to put the UK on the path to a zero-carbon future. LETI’s mission is to support the transition of London’s built environment to net zero carbon and provide guidance that can be applied to the rest of the UK to achieve all new buildings operating to net zero carbon by 2030.
The group is supported and receives input from the Greater London Authority (GLA) various London boroughs and organisations. Outcomes have included establishing industry consensus on the key features of Net Zero Operational Carbon buildings, with support from UK Green Building Council (UKGBC), the Better Building Partnership (BBP). Good Homes Alliance (GHA), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE).
Our purpose to be a socially responsible and ethical partnership aligns with LETI’s remit and over time we have been directly involved across different LETI workstreams. Notably we contributed to LETI Climate Emergency Design Guide, which sets guidelines for the industry on net zero carbon.

The guide specifically targets developers/landowners, designers, policy makers and the supply chain via the following five key areas:
- Operational energy
- Embodied carbon
- The future of heat
- Demand response
- Data disclosure
We are keen to bring this knowledge, experience and thinking to our Clients’ journey to Net Zero. By working with us, our Clients are assured to future-proof their buildings to best practice and truly deliver on their net zero carbon commitments.
Our services offering includes bespoke strategies to Net Zero and actionable advice to achieve Key Performance Indicators, underlined by our performance-driven whole-life approach.
In 2021 LETI have continued to develop existing workstreams and focused on new topics of huge importance in this journey.
To find out more about LETI activities for 2021 and to get involved, please email